Emily's Journey through Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma. Please check back often as we will update as often as we can.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Emily is Home

Just a quick update to let you all know that Emily got home yesterday! She is happy to be home after having to get platelets and a blood transfusion bc her hemoglobin was 5.4! The lowest I had ever seen it and platelets 5! 

I wanted to update last night but sheer exhaustion set in from stress, anxiety, scanxiety and just overall things that bother you, we all fell asleep! 

We are happy to have Emily home!


  1. So happy that your baby girl is home with her family where she belongs. I have been praying for her for months. My husband and I are friends of Marcella and Kevin. We will be at the benefit dinner for being held for Emily this Sunday. We hope a significant amount can be made that day to help with Emily's expenses. God Bless all of you. <3

  2. we r so happy she is home!!! god bless u all!!!

  3. We're all so glad she's home and doing better! You guys stay in our prayers - as always - we're here if you need anything. Love you guys!

    Did Emily get the letter and picture that Nikki sent her a couple of weeks ago?

  4. Good news!!! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week.

  5. You will get through this. Just forget about cancer and transplants while at Disney. It's hard, but try. Audrey is in her second transplant now and its rough, but you get through it. The kids don't seem to remember how rough it was on them. It's we as parents that hold on to those horrible memories more. You are in our prayers from Atlanta.

    Ben DeShetler
