Emily's Journey through Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma. Please check back often as we will update as often as we can.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Home for a Few Days

We are home tonight after being in Philly for a few days! We are exhausted because the last four days have been nothing but running from early morning til night! Emily was even exhausted and fell asleep last night at 8pm and I don't know when the last time she ever did that!

We will be leaving again Saturday afternoon to head back to start antibodies! I still plan to give you all an overview of antibodies because so many have asked, but I'm exhausted tonight!

The information that we know as of right now is that the CT scan is clear, bone marrow is clear, HMA & VMA numbers are 14 and 29, just a little bit up for Emilys age, and I will need to look up to see what they were before and labs are good, EKG and echo were good! We did have her thyroid checked because Emily was never given sski drops to take before an MIBG and we were worried about that! Her numbers are a bit high not too high that she is concerned but concerned enough that she wants to watch them! We dont have a full report on the Mibg because she wants to go over them with the radiologist tomorrow so we should get a full report on them tomorrow! They need to review outside Mibg scans to inside MIBG scans!

That's all we know for now! I wanted to keep you all updates, and I'm exhausted! I also have received a few emails wanting to know what people could do to help with our traveling back and forth for the next 6 months and honestly the best thing would be donations, gas gift cards, grocery gift cards and restaurant gift cards! We get a few of these emails a day and I don't always have time to let everyone know and this would be the best thing that would help us!

With many asking how & where to donate, here is the information:

1. All donors may mail funds to the account at: Dominion Credit Union PO Box 26646 Richmond, VA 23261 Write "Emily Hubbel" in the check memo. Dominion Employees may go through the bank.

2. Clicking the donate now on http://www.emilyhubbel.com

3. Checks can be mailed to our PO Box with Emily's Name on the check to PO Box 5383, Midlothian, VA 23112


  1. Is the CT s can and Bone Marrow clear of CA???? Praying for no evidence....

  2. Enjoy your few days home. Praying, still!
