Emily's Journey through Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma. Please check back often as we will update as often as we can.

Emily's Journey's Most Recent Facebook Post

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Still Waiting for all Counts to Recover

Emily had clinic yesterday (Monday) with dad. They spent the day there. Her hemoglobin is dropping but not enough to need a transfusion but if it continues to drop she will need one come Friday. Her platelets did drop from 38 to 15 so she received 4 units of platelets after all of her Premeds.  Heard from dr gowda today that he is scheduling stem cell boost for next Wednesday. She will be admitted for the day to the bone marrow floor and get a bag of stem cells. This will take a good four weeks to start working. She will come back Thursday for platelets so she will be good for the long holiday weekend which will also be day 15 of dfmo trial and then come back Monday to check on her counts. Hopefully once we get past this bump of needing transfusions she can have some time away, but still another 5 weeks or so before we can start the time away from the hospital! We will be back in Michigan sometime end of May early june! Emily will also be turning 7 MAy 30th.  

Please continue to send your love and thoughts for Emily!! 

#neuroblastomasucks #emilyhubbeldotcom 

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