Emily's Journey through Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma. Please check back often as we will update as often as we can.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Update on Emily ~~ Some Concerns

Update on Emily: so she has started her 5th round of DFMO. The longer she has been on this the more nervous we get. She looks great and she has gained a great a bit of weight. The last HMA/VMA that she had done on July 18th the numbers were elevated from the last ones. So dad took her in today to have them checked again and we should have them back in a few days.

We haven't updated that since about July 15th Emily has been complaining of pain in her stomach and dizziness. It is random but happening at least once or twice a day. And the past few days she has been complaining her back hurts. This of course makes us worry. So we let Dr Sholler know and she recommends Emily coming in todo scans the week of August 18th instead so we can see what's going on. We are so hopeful that it is nothing but the complaints certainly worry us!!

So this is where we are for now. Overall Emily looks great just the complaints has us concerned!


